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Marvellously majestic English speaking club

Place to speak English for everyone!

The first rule of English speaking club is: we speak only English.

The second rule of English speaking club is: we really speak only English, but you can use sign language and drawings to describe the word or phrase you don't know!

The third rule of English speaking club is: opposing to the famous Fight club rule - we TALK about English speaking club!

The fourth rule of English speaking club is: yeah we can use Russian words, but with some limitations. First, you have to pronounce it with English accent. Second, we can only use one word per 5 minutes for the whole company, so please spend the opportunity wisely!

City projects centre "LIFT" gives us an amazing opportunity to have cozy and warm atmosphere once a week at 18:30 every Thursday to speak English, play games, drink coffee or tea and have fun!